Standardizing the Zone
23.02.2021, last updated 05.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
Take a look as I break down how I approached the redesign of my AWS environment starting with how I approached standardizing all of my Route53 Hosted Zones. I wanted to maintain a base default expectation every time a new zone was created within the environment. Beyond just defining the domain for the zone, I wanted to insure that certain records and services were setup and/or established ready to be used.
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Starting Over Again but Not Completely
20.02.2021, last updated 05.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
Eventually change comes to us all. We learn new skills and find flaws in existing tools we have been using to work with. That time is upon us here… After coming up against challenge after challenge with using CloudFormation I have since turned to Terraform and begun finally completing the task of automating the entire environment and minimizing manual efforts.
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What about container security?
27.08.2018, last updated 05.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
With normal legacy server security you would routinely scan your servers for vulnerabilities, but with the move to using containers this methodology for vulnerability detection doesn’t exactly fit as you would typically build the container and move it along through your environments during the software development life cycle. So how do we check our containers to ensure they are as secure as our old servers? How do you know your image is still secure after it’s been built?
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