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13.08.2018, last updated 05.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
So in my earlier Getting started with Amazon Web Services post, I had laid out my 2-tier VPC solution that setup a Public and Private tier of subnets across three Availability Zones. I’d also mentioned that the subnets could make use of the Fn::Cidr function to simplify the CIDR block assignments within your CloudFormation template and that I’d discuss that in another post. Well, welcome to that post and a whole lot more!
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Rolling out a new mail server - part 2
21.09.2012, last updated 05.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
If you’re not going to try running this under AWS then you can pretty much skip on ahead to the rest of the configuration. So the obvious place to start is in setting up the EC2 instance. If you just want to test this out a t1.micro instance is plenty big enough and the on-demand pricing to run it for a few days won’t cost a lot. In fact if you just signed up for Amazon Web Services you could run a t1.
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Rolling out a new mail server
21.09.2012, last updated 05.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
So for the past few years I’ve been content to outsource my email services to Web.com with very few problems though lately I’ve had a few contacts report problems sending me email and I’ve ran into issues where they don’t implement certain features I prefer to use (most notably user+extension email addressing). With that in mind I’ve set out to setup and re-implement my own mail server management and to ’eat my own dog food’ as a consultant specializing in cloud service management I thought implementing it within Amazon Web Services .
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