Ruby on Rails hosting by Web.com
07.02.2010, last updated 05.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
Usually in the past I’ve done my web hosting on either one of the many servers I own or utilizing VPS hosting providers like VPSfarm.com , GrokThis.net or Linode.com , but lately with the economy and a price that can’t be beat I’ve been using Web.com Linux Hosting plan to meet my needs. This has met all my requirements except one, I couldn’t run my Ruby on Rails applications that I was working on development for using their services.
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GnuPG Key Policy Manager
12.07.2008, last updated 10.11.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
Taking GNU Privacy Guard key usage seriously I have had a published key usage policy that I embed the link into any GPG key signature when signing a key. After years of using PGP/GPG I have found that having an established usage and management policy is nice as it lets others know that you take your key usage seriously. Over the years the URL I’ve used for my key policy has changed, as well the URL itself has evolved with the times.
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Spam Be Gone
09.07.2008, last updated 02.03.2021 - Jeremy T. Bouse
So I’ve got this serious jonesing love/hate relationship with spam. Personally I’d love to collect all the spammers of the world in a nice lead lined room and irradiate them with low yield nuclear waste. Not enough to kill them note you, just enough to ensure that they don’t breed! There are so many methods out there to try and curb the amount of spam out there but never seems to be enough adoption of them.
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